These three, children of Sam, started off with the provisional names of Rag, Tag and Bobtail, until we decided to keep them all and gave them their permanent names.

Bagpuss hated her nieces and nephew and decided to go walkabout. She got herself hopelessly lost - after about three weeks we found her at the end of a garden only a few houses away, camping out under an old tree stump.
So at one time, I was dominated by six kitties, Smudge, Sam, Bagpuss and the babies, Prudence, Podge and Nana.
Nana, who as a new-born kitten was the biggest of the litter, grew up into a delicate, feminine black cat who was very quiet and kept a low profile, spending most of her time on a chair under the dining table. I think she thought that she existed on a higher level than the other five cats and so carried on with her own secluded way of life. She suddenly fell ill and had to be put down when she was only a few years old.
Podge was the only boy in the litter - white with black markings, and very affectionate. Life for him was one long sleepfest.

He gave us a good few years of love and affection until he too suffered from kidney failure......

Prudence, the other girl was, and still is, also a big one for her sleep and spends hours crashed out, laying on her back like a Rag doll cat. She is severely allergic to fleas, but after years of being called "scabby cat", we've finally solved the problem. She is now thirteen years old, a big, fat cat and is a very cosy lap warmer on chilly evenings. I'm guaranteed to fall asleep within five minutes of her sitting on my lap.